Empowered Leadership Having shared global stages with renowned personalities like Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Kiyosaki, Janine Allis, and Alex Mandossian, Sandra is an ambitious, charismatic, and self-motivated speaker. She specializes in delivering organizational change programs for business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs and has worked internationally across both the public & private sectors. As a Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Sandra guides entrepreneurs and corporations alike in developing their long-term goals through inculcating her belief in mindset over matter.
As a Speaker Training Master, Sandra hopes to inspire confidence and help others find their purpose. By speaking on topics such as leadership, female empowerment, and mindset mastery, she focuses on helping others discover, organize and monetize their passions in life – both online and offline – and turn them into niche areas. Bringing an energetic and warm approach to her speaking events, Sandra authentically engages with her audience to help them increase their confidence, find self-motivation and put both into practice.