Keynote Women Speakers


Santa is an award-winning advocate on how to create environmental and societal change and what kind of mind- and skill-set Change Agents need to drive forward change and navigate uncertainty, crisis, and resistance in our environment.

Santa has trained thousands of public servants as well as managers in the private sector on how to burn for a cause without burning ourselves out and create powerful visions through the FindingSustainia VISH mental contrasting method.

Trained as an environmental lawyer, Santa is a senior fellow at the Think Tank 30 of the Club of Rome Germany, and a Board Member of the Stuttgart Innovation Fund. Santa was elected Best Sustainability Blogger in Germany for her blog FindingSustainia as well #FutureWoman and Germany’s Top 100 sustainability influencer #Nachhaltige100. She gave a Tedx Talk on “Loneliness in Change Agents and what can do about it” #ABetterMeForABetter World.


The (self-) care Change Agents need – how to sustain those our planet and people need? Change agent burnout is a thing that is depleting many of us through being in a system that is highly resistant to positive change. Opposed to classical burnout it is not a lack of purpose but burning for a cause. This phenomenon is observed in activists as well as in organisations and can lead to a massive decline in productivity and disconnection. A natural storyteller Santa compellingly explores the pathways change agents can take to develop an antifragile mindset and steps to take to prevent and tackle burnout and feel optimism and momentum making this world a better place. Organisations enjoy Santa’s positive and scientific approach, and in-depth knowledge of the science of well-being, neuroscience, productivity as well as applied sustainability.

KeyNote Topics

Better Futures, Mindset & Behaviour Change, Sustainability

Speaker Reel