Keynote Women Speakers


When I started working with a coach, I heard the word paradigm on a regular basis. At first, I thought of it as a belief, which it is, but as I continue studying and making choices for my highest good and from my highest self, I am finding new depth in the word and its implications.

Synonyms for paradigm: work practices, attitudes, beliefs and expectations.

We receive our paradigms from the womb onward via our environment and genetics (unresolved family and ancestral trauma included). You probably have/have had very similar results in career, money and relationship dynamics to that of your parents. As did they and so on until the beginning of humanity.
Our paradigms rest in our subconscious mind (the part that controls our choices and behaviors) and our logic rests in our conscious mind. Your logic is controlled by your paradigm. Think of all the of cultural paradigms that have changed in just 200 years. It was considered absurd to say the earth was round. For example, many people were offended and disturbed by the invention of cars and airplanes. Our logic changes with our paradigms.

The practice of writing your goals is an act of raising your frequency
. Getting into a relaxed state and visualizing, hearing, feeling, smelling your goals and dreams will increase your vibration and it is from this new, higher vibration that you receive the inspired ideas and and action steps from Source/your higher self towards your goals and dreams. These inspired ideas are directly connected to all that is on that higher vibration you just melted your way into.

Not doing the above, not getting relaxed and easing into the visions of your heart’s desires and then writing them down, will keep you operating from the limited logic of your current vibration. The vibration that created the results that are bringing you dissatisfaction and struggle.

All this to say, there are three ingredients for the recipe of ease, joy and abundance in your life:
Ease, Joy and Abundance Pie
Yields greater awareness of the abundance within and all around you

1. Making time everyday to get into the elevated vibration of your yet to be realized desires. You can do this by writing down or recording yourself speaking your big, soaring dreams and really feeling into the joy and beauty of those experiences.

2. Taking one or two simple action steps that are connected to the opposite (aka positive) result you are seeking. An action that will give a big middle finger to that low vibration result you have been getting ad nauseum. (example: non productive action = not setting aside money for savings. Never having money. 
productive action = automating a direct deposit into your savings account. Always having money.
non productive action = being creative but not doing anything creative after work. You feel hollow and disconnected.
productive action = you sign up for a dance class with weekly lessons. Your mood changes. Your creativity blossoms and this bleeds into all areas of your life)

3. REPEAT! As my mentor Bob Proctor said, “the constant spaced repetition of the re-evaluation of myself over time is how I changed”. The purpose is to think differently as frequently as possible. This is how we install a new paradigm and therefore a new way of living.

Committing to these two actions each day will bring more of you the party. These deceptively simple actions are creating more space for you and your ever-changing self.
Remember, it can be helpful to understand the root cause of your paradigms but don’t get stuck there or distracted by the pain that the paradigms have caused. What’s most important is to know that you can change your beliefs about yourself. 

Natalie Turner

Award Winning Author of Yes, You Can Innovate. Inventor of The 6 ‘I’s® of Innovation. Keynote Speaker and Founder of Women who Lead.

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