Keynote Women Speakers

About Us

Find talented women speakers who are passionate subject-matter experts, covering topics from leadership, to art and science – right here, on KeyNote. We have handpicked top speakers in Asia as founding members and we are expanding to North America, Oceania and Europe while training many more to enter your favourite directory!

About Us

KeyNote Women Speakers is on a mission to bring more diversity to the world’s speaking stages. With the right platforms, connections and training, the gender imbalance of the industry can be restored.

As a not-profit organisation, primarily run by dedicated volunteers, we’re committed to amplifying women’s voices whether on stage, at the workplace or even at home.

We are different from other bureaus as we focus on building a strong community by placing speakers in various opportunities and providing training to empower more women to take the stage. 

Team Behind The Success

Meet our team

Mette Johansson

Chair & Founder

Jessica Meyer


Maneesha Benedict

Training Lead

Leslie Caoile

Admin Assistant

Amira Ben Achour

Marketing & Sales Lead

Lisette Ann Torres

Marketing Assistant

Anu Raj

Head of Sales

Karolina Gwinner

Speaker Training

Josephine Donaldson

Finance & Accounting

Rebecca de Kock

Community Lead

Magdalena Poulin

Oceania Lead

Natalie Song

Local Director

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