Keynote Women Speakers

Expertise: Empowerment

Aarathi Arumugam
With her humor, authenticity, and matter-of-factness, Aarathi manages to take a topic that is typically a taboo and uses it to empower other women and couples to be brave on their journey towards building a family. Based on her personal experience of building a family, Aarathi speaks about resilience and finding alternative ways to go after what you want to achieve in life. Aarathi is an entrepreneur and mother, passionate about being in business and connecting communities through causes close to her heart. With a career trajectory that has taken different paths from corporate, volunteer organizations to start-ups, Aarathi sees the knowledge, experiences, and skills gained from these roles as her personal MBA, and harnesses this power to help nurture families and individuals on their journeys, so that they may thrive and celebrate their own growth.