Keynote Women Speakers

Anjali Sharma


Anjali is one of the leading business storytelling consultantsauthorglobal keynote speaker, and founder of Narrative: The Business of Stories. Anjali has spoken on the topic of Storytelling in New York, Russia, India, Singapore, Japan, Australia, and many other southeast Asian countries.   She helps business leaders, data analysts, sales professionals, and TEDx speakers find and tell stories. Anjali has worked in corporate roles for over 18 years in Australia, Singapore, and India.  Her background constantly informs her work, so that it is not just theoretical, but based on extensive experience, knowledge, and understanding of strategic issues companies face as well as issues that employees face in delivering their best work.  Anjali partners with Global 1000 companies LinkedIn, Airbnb, Microsoft, Shell, SAP, Microsoft & Danone. She regularly publishes her ideas on business storytelling on her Storytelling blog. Find out more about her speaking engagements here.


Storytelling  Storytelling makes the change happen   We live in a world where there is too much information and very little time. So, what doesn’t connect, obviously gets ignored.   But stories that resonate are a super glue of attention and affinity. As a result, impossible to ignore.  They have the power to perform in time-poor, digitally accelerated, and diverse working environments.   This 45 min talk is designed to be your practical guide to becoming a storyteller and a story listener.     Storytelling Via Videos   Using the knowledge from her very successful video series on LinkedIn which has been running for 2 years now, Anjali has created a 20 mins practical talk followed by 20 mins of Q&A that teaches   How to keep your stories concise for businesspeople How to create a connection in the shortest possible time   How to give great presentations on conference calls   Storytelling for Diversity and Inclusions   The corporate world was quick to romance the idea of diversity. We nodded our heads and signed on the treaty called – Diversity leads to Creativity and Innovation.   However, diversity comes with language barriers, disputes over cultural differences which makes embracing diversity discomforting.   This 45 min talk is about ways you can really reap the benefits of diversity.     Storytelling for Women in the Workforce   This talk is about very specific situations in the corporate world where women decide not to speak or to speak ineffectively to avoid the bragging trap and as a result, become hidden figures.   Practical, logical, and methodical storytelling ensures that stories from women are not marginalisedignored, or treated as gossip. The talk empowers women to use the natural power of storytelling in those moments when we feel overwhelmed with the pressures unique to us.  Women in Boardrooms   Boardroom communication challenges for women, in a corporate setting is a less discussed topic. A lot has been written about ways women can find their voice on a stage.  Prerequisites of an effective stage delivery are Credibility and Self-confidence.  However, boardroom communication requires more than credibility and self-confidence. Boardrooms are about interruptions, being ignored, and being challenged.  This 30 mins talk is designed to give you ways to succeed in boardrooms     Some talks she has given recently:   

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