Keynote Women Speakers


Arthi Rabikrisson is the Founder and Managing Director of Prerna Advisory, based in South Africa, which focuses on neuroscience-based coaching and assessment for individuals, teams and corporates; strategic business consulting to SMEs; and capital introduction to alternative funding sources. A 15-year corporate career in finance and investments prior to starting Prerna Advisory, Arthi uses her coaching, strategy, sales, and finance skills, to help individuals craft their personal and business brands holistically and with confidence to make an impact.   As a keynote speaker, Arthi talks on a range of topics on leadership development, career growth, entrepreneurship, sales, and finance – as viewed through the understanding of neuroscience.  Arthi is a global award-winning ICF-credentialed leadership coach, featured and recognised across a range of global publications including Finance Monthly the NYC Journal and The CIO Times to name a few. Arthi is a key contributor and member of the Forbes Coaches Council and an opt-in member of the Advisory Council for Harvard Business Review. She is vetted on coaching panels for a number of South African and global companies, a mentor to graduates and budding entrepreneurs, and is a non-executive director of a US-based NGO operating in East Africa called Global Grassroots. She has served as a judge on platforms such as Africa’s Business Heroes (Jack Ma Foundation in Africa) and coached female entrepreneurs across Africa, through Future Females Empowerment Initiatives, to become investment and funding ready with global investors.


The neuroscience of managing change effectively   As senior leaders, we are constantly challenged to keep pace and be ahead even, or change, through the lens of agility and anticipation. In a post-pandemic environment, where a new normal has emerged, leaders need to feel equipped to tackle these multiple facets of change while being risk aware, and risk-taking opportunistically. Neuro-agility is a key foundational component to enable leaders to thrive. By unlocking authentic intelligence – the brain – and promoting its development, care, and growth through conscious effort, we change the fundamental structure of how we react, respond and manage change.   The talk focuses on the awareness of how one’s brain is wired to process information, learn, and create habits, while simultaneously using that awareness to dismantle self-limiting beliefs, doubts, anxieties, narrow perspectives, and biases that can hold leaders back from managing themselves and others effectively. Increasing your neuro-agility allows you to thrive in a dynamic environment, and your ecosystem too. 

KeyNote Topics

Leadership, Neuro-agility, Neuroscience, Self-development

Speaker Reel