Jill's KeyNote

What’s Your Geostrategy? 


Geopolitical risk is the number one global corporate risk. This keynote will overview the top geopolitical risk factors affecting businesses today and how leaders can mitigate these risks and turn them into business opportunities.    


Becoming a Global Corporate Citizen  


This talk provides an overview of key human rights issues affecting global business operations, such as confronting climate change and population displacement, improving grievance mechanisms for workers, combatting xenophobia and race-based discrimination, and protecting rights during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Leaders will emerge with actionable takeaways to mitigate risks and seize opportunities from emerging human rights concerns, and to establish themselves and their businesses as responsible and ethical global corporate citizens.     

Building Trust as a Leader 


Drawing on my extensive research in trust in organizations, this presentation covers how business leaders can build and maintain trust. Leaders will emerge with actionable takeaways for building trust as ethical leaders, building the trust of employees within their organizations and leveraging that trust to build and maintain the trust of customers and communities. 


Leadership Has No Gender 


Too often, dialogue about gender and leadership devolves into divisive conversations about “male” and “female” leadership traits. In this talk, I argue that it’s time to shift the conversation to inclusive discussions about the traits that make good leaders great, which include attributes that are traditionally both male and female.  


I also provide a workshop on building these traits and improving dialogue about leadership within organizations.  

About Jill

Dr. Goldenziel speaks and consults on International Law, International Security, Geopolitical Risk, Leadership, Business, Human Rights, Migration, and Disinformation. She has briefed United Nations officials, world parliamentarians, and senior military leaders on her award-winning research, including speaking alongside Angela Merkel and other world leaders at the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Migration. 
At Marine Corps University, Dr. Goldenziel has lectured 1,200 U.S. and foreign field-grade military officers on the law of war, international law, and migration, and has taught 200 officers in seminars on law, leadership, and international security.  She is also an Affiliated Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania’s Fox Leadership International program. 
Dr. Goldenziel’s work has appeared in top scholarly journals, and she is regularly quoted and cited in the press. She holds a Ph.D. and A.M. in Government from Harvard, a J.D. from NYU, and an A.B. from Princeton. Visit http://www.jillgoldenziel.com and follow her @JillGoldenziel.  


Core Expertise


    Geopolitical Risk

    Business and Human Rights



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