Rahma's KeyNote

In this powerful presentation, Rahma takes on the age-old debate of the gender pay gap to give it a fresh twist and new perspective. The concepts she shares help women gain control over their own financial growth and inspire leaders to take simple yet effective actions to help bridge the gap. With real-life examples and striking images, she engages her audience and motivates them to act on what they uncover. Moving beyond the topic of the gender gap, Rahma delivers insights and strategies to help her audience build negotiation skills and resilience when confronted with limiting beliefs and self-sabotage.

About Rahma

Rahma Assante is an entrepreneur, business strategist and corporate trainer. Rahma helps high performing leaders and business owners across industries grow their sales and scale their businesses. Living in Singapore and Asia for the past 14 years, she covered various roles in multinational companies from Sales & Marketing to Retail, Branding and Market Research. Rahma has extensive experience facilitating online and in person groups. She runs strategy sessions and masterminds for women entrepreneurs with multiple figure revenue. Throughout her career, she has been a constant advocate of women leadership in the workplace. With a French and Moroccan cultural background, Rahma is an active community member who enjoys giving back.

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