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KeyNote Speakers in Asia

All the KeyNote speakers on our directory are screened by our recruitment team. They are inspirational thought-leaders, and experienced and accomplished speakers. Our teams are here to advise you on the most suitable speaker for your event. You can rest assured that you will get the inspirational subject-matter expert that you are looking for. Our speakers have typically spoken to large audiences (hundreds of people). In addition, we are training experts and thought-leaders to inspire from stage.

Are you looking for thought leaders and experts in the areas of leadership, marketing, HR, diversity and inclusion, technology, finance, sustainability, transformation, politics, mindfulness, or sexual health? We have them all! You can have a diverse and balanced speaker panel at your next conference, convention, or corporate gathering.


Tahira Amira Sultan Khan

Tahira is a co-founder of a tech-start-up that served 22 cities across Asia, and first female President of the biggest mobile association in Singapore (an initiative of the Singapore Government), she was traumatized by intense domestic problems and had a total disconnect with her Higher Self. Eventually, this led her to a nervous breakdown. 2014 was the turning-point-year when she placed a grinding halt to her 18-year business, and made a decision to plunge into the elusive world of storytelling. Like a caterpillar sealed in its womb for a massive transformation, she took extreme measures to re-mold herself. For the first 9 months, she immersed herself into a self-induced solitary confinement. She read, researched, wrote, prayed and meditated, and for the most part of it, food was limited to one small meal a day or sometimes nothing. Through the Golden Door: The Doorway to Our Advancement was birthed. This 426-page award-winning book seamlessly integrates more than 9 disciplines (Arts & Sciences) to deliver a profound message. A first miracle that she was able to write a thick and deep novel in such a short time. A second miracle that she became a confident public speaker when she had temporarily lost her voice for an entire year at age 14. The root cause was when at the tender age 13, she was taken away and molested by strangers at midnight while in Pakistan. Breaking past all limitations to voiceless to finding her voice, Her passion overflowed to enraptured readers, stoic in a mission to impart her wisdom and to help others find their Purpose and Calling.




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